Clinic News
Clinic News

Thrive Magazine #2
Welcome to Thrive Magazine! Health and Wellbeing Information for you and your family. Welcome to the second issue of Thrive magazine. We’re delighted by the feedback we’ve had to our launch edition last month; how much you appreciated the diverse, comprehensive health and wellness information designed to help navigate these ultra-challenging COVID-19 days. As well

Introducing Onsite Medical Hub
Introducing Onsite Medical Hub. Conveniently offering responsive and reliable COVID-19 screening, flu vaccinations and employee health checks onsite at Victorian businesses. The medical team consists of experienced general practitioners, nurses and administrative staff who are committed to supporting a healthy workforce by helping reduce the spread of illness. Services range from co-ordinating flu shots for

Thrive Magazine #1
Welcome to Thrive Magazine! Health and Wellbeing Information for you and your family Every month Thrive will deliver fresh information to guide and inform you on issues and challenges similar for all of us. Such as keeping our immune systems strong, our fitness and mobility healthy, our minds and emotions calm and focussed, and our

August Newsletter
We remain open for telehealth (Phone or Video) appointments only. For your safety and the safety of our team, we are limiting face to face contact at the Practice.Face to face consultations will be available if clinically necessary and pending approval by one of the doctors. Step 1: Book a Telehealth consultationStep 2: Prescriptions, medical certificates,

July Newsletter
COVID-19 AND OUR WELL BEING An Update From Dr. Ben Ooi 2020 has been an intense roller coaster and in a blink of an eye, we have crossed the halfway mark. While Covid-19 cases have been under control, the risks of an outbreak are ever present. Even as we pay attention to Covid-19 symptoms and practice

June Newsletter
MEN’S HEALTH An Update From Dr. Melanie Hill 15-21 June 2020 marks Men’s Health Week. This is an important event which raises awareness of the issues affecting boy’s and men’s health outcomes and how we, as health practitioners can help make a positive impact on these outcomes. Men’s Health week was initially established in the United